Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Performance Review???

Not trying to toot my own horn here, just trying to give you a little background to help understand my feelings about today.... I was valedictorian of my 8th grade class, graduated w/honors in the top 10 of high school class, recieved a full scholoarship to college, graduated as the Outstanding Senior Woman from Murray State, was the Outstanding Senior in Business Administration, finished the training program of my first job in 7 weeks instead of 5 months, was offered a job in the corporate office reserved for higher up managers only 8 weeks off the training program of that job, advanced quickly and recieved raises at every performance review; in fact every job I held since then I was promoted and recieved significant raises and accolades with every performance review.... In a nutshell, I feel like I have always been successful if I put my mind to it, and honestly, I enjoyed that recognition. I know I probably deserved a lesson in humility.

Then, God in HIS infinite wisdom called me to be a stay at home mom. I love my children, and feel incredibly blessed. But honestly, some times I just feel like I suck at this job, and today my children agreed. Why is it so hard? Where is the job description, that I can check off as I complete the task? And honestly, I could use a raise!!!!!!!! Before 9 am I had soured spit up in my hair (and I actually took a shower and dried my hair this morning); LK had peed in my bed (AGAIN), after which she said, "Mommy quit throwing a fit"; LK screamed as I took her to school telling me she hated it and hated me for making her go. Later in the morning I took Sam for his 6 month checkup & shots which resulted in a crying, non-napping infant the rest of the day. I picked LK up from school, which she said she enjoyed, and thought thigns were looking up. She also decided not to nap which was fine until about 4:30 when everything resulted in tears and whining.

Jeff came home from work and immediately told me what a terrible day he had and he needed some time to unwind. Seriously? Me too! I try so hard to let him relax and not have any worries at home. I so much appreciate how hard he works to provide for our family, so for the most part I don't have to. But today, I need a break. My job is 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and sometimes I need a 15 minute break. Especially on weeks like this when my 3 part time jobs are going to require I work about 45 hours without my kids being in day care.

I am sure you have heard enough of my complaining about my rough day and rough week. I know many working moms out there that would love to trade places with me. But, sometimes I just wonder what my performance review as a Housewife/Stay-at-Home mom would look like???? I want to be calm, do great crafts, discipline perfectly, and have a spotless house; but, it isn't happening.... And, I am starting to get very frustrated with myself.

Days like today make me seriously consider calling my old boss and asking for my job back..... But, then I look at these sweet faces and know someday, "I am going to miss this...."


  1. Bless you! I know where you are coming from. Motherhood is tougher than anything I've ever done. Like you, I've always been pretty successful in everything. There's no handbook worthy enough to teach us how to raise children. It's often a learning process, both with ups and downs.

    Hang it there! I'm praying for you. If you need a break, please don't hesitate to call me...seriously! I'd love to watch the kids.

  2. haha Hang on to all of those achievements you have accomplished, and be proud of yourself, as you deal with such days. What a Hoot! Jeff comes home and needs some down time! haha THAT must have been when I heard the sirens!
