Just realized this didn't get posted on Thanksgiving...
Count your many blessings, see what the Lords hath done. This is the chorus from one of my very favorite hymns. And, it always seems to be stuck in my head this time of year. But, I don't know how often I set down to actually count my blessings and name them one by one.
1)I am thankful for Amazing Grace, for the birth of Baby Jesus, his Father's compassion for me, his death on a cross, and Salvation through that grace.
2)I am thankful for the best Mom in the world. She taught me how to be a wife, how to love my husband, that it was important to take time for your marriage, and then how to be a great mom. Loving my husband is the greatest gift I can give my children.
3)I am thankful for growing up in a small town and experiencing family traditions.
4)I am thankful that God didn't give me what I was looking for in a husband. That he had a plan perfect for me. I am thankful for Jeff as the spiritual leader of our family and that he loves Christ more than he loves me.
5)I am thankful for 2 healthy children who love Jesus.

6)I am thankful for an amazing Mother-in-Law. She has often times been the secret to my sanity. I am especially thankful that she has a servant's heart and she does my ironing. I am thankful for the example she sets for loving her family and her community.

7)I am thankful that my Dad and step-Mom have taken an active roll in my children's lives.
8)I am thankful that God had a plan in where we bought this house and chose to raise our family. My neighbors are amazing. I am thankful for the kind of neighbors that you can walk into thier house and ask if your clothes match- and they tell you the truth, thankful that you can walk into their house and borrow stuff-whether they are home or not, thankful that someone has the ingredient that you realized you forgot in the middle of dinner, thankful that someone will watch your kids when you have an emergency right now, thankful that noone will be at my house uninvited without someone asking what they are doing there, thankful that they just take care of things-even when you forget to ask them to, thankful that I get to share life with these sweet neighbors.
9)I am thankful for a church family.
10)I am thankful that my babies love to rock and cuddle.
11)I am thankful that I can stay at home and raise my babies while earning a living at the same time.
12)I am thankful that God has provided immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine this year.
13)I am thankful for friends that probably understand me more than I understand myself.
14)I am thankful for an amazing baby sitter that loves my kids and fold my laundry.
15)I am thankful for The Little School Mother's Day out program, especially the teachers that love my kids so much and have left a lasting impression on them.
There are so many more things that I could name and count, but one of my great blessings is calling my name...
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