1)If your 23 month old sleeps 2 hours later than normal, it is definately too good to be true.
2)If you have a baby sitter coming & a day packed full of things that must get done, above 23 month old will probably be sick.
3)If your 23 month old starts puking at breakfast, it totally changes your entire plan for the day.
4)It only seems like a good idea to hang Christmas lights by yourself with a 23 month old & 4 year old running around outside.
5)I am not very good at hanging outside Christmas lights. I am even worse when doing it with 2 small children helping me.
6)There is no good way to hang Christmas lights on a 7 foot holly bush.
7)It may look a little red neck for my neighborhood, but the ridicule of the neighbors is worth the excitement from my kids when they saw the tree house decorated with garland and lights. Don't get too worried- plain green garland and white lights.
8)Customer service is an industry of the past. I ordered Sam's bedding- it came in without the pillow sham. They sent me a new pillowsham- that doesn't match. But, they want me to pay to ship back the pillow sham that matches their discontinued bedding....
9)My laundry does not fold itself, depsite me doing my best nose wiggle and wishing all morning.
10)My husband thinks I am a super hero wife when I just take the time to give him a kiss & fix his lunch in the middle of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I should probably stop and pay attention to him a little more often.
11) Sometimes it is worth getting a runny nose- the kids & I had a blast running & playing outside, then having a picnic on the back porch. Probably a little cold & windy, but I bet they will live.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Daddy knows the Po-Po
For those of you are my friend on facebook, you probably saw my post this morning. But, for a little more detail on the story.
We were eating dinner at CiCi's pizza last night, and Jeff at random decided to take LK to the 7:00 movie to see Tangled/Rapunzel. I was a little unsure with this being right before bed, but I decided to live a little and let them go. Well, all 50ish people in CiCi's pizza knew within 30 seconds that she was going to the movie. I love her enthusiasm. So, Jeff dropped Sam and me off at home and they went to the movie.
I enjoyed a quiet night at home and put the little man to bed early. I was in bed stuffing Christmas cards in their envelopes when I heard them come home. LK immediately came running into the room to tell me she had so much fun. When I asked her to tell me about the movie, she said, "Well, first let me tell you what happened after the movie.... We were almost home and Daddy had too much gas in his foot. We saw some blue lights and they made us get stuck on the side of the road. The officer came up to our window and gave daddy a yellow piece of paper. But, Daddy didn't get a ticket because Daddy knows the Po-Po." I couldn't help but bust out laughing! Praying that daddy really didn't get a ticket, because I have much better uses for that $150. LK eventually told me about the movie, but she was more excited to tell me about daddy getting in trouble.
Turns out, a fairy tale type movie isn't a good idea before bedtime. LK wasn't really scared, she just kept waking up asking questions about it. She is SOOOO stinking smart. Concepts that other kids wouldn't even catch on to, she totally processes and wants to get to the very bottom of it. I don't know if I should be thankful or terrified....
We were eating dinner at CiCi's pizza last night, and Jeff at random decided to take LK to the 7:00 movie to see Tangled/Rapunzel. I was a little unsure with this being right before bed, but I decided to live a little and let them go. Well, all 50ish people in CiCi's pizza knew within 30 seconds that she was going to the movie. I love her enthusiasm. So, Jeff dropped Sam and me off at home and they went to the movie.
I enjoyed a quiet night at home and put the little man to bed early. I was in bed stuffing Christmas cards in their envelopes when I heard them come home. LK immediately came running into the room to tell me she had so much fun. When I asked her to tell me about the movie, she said, "Well, first let me tell you what happened after the movie.... We were almost home and Daddy had too much gas in his foot. We saw some blue lights and they made us get stuck on the side of the road. The officer came up to our window and gave daddy a yellow piece of paper. But, Daddy didn't get a ticket because Daddy knows the Po-Po." I couldn't help but bust out laughing! Praying that daddy really didn't get a ticket, because I have much better uses for that $150. LK eventually told me about the movie, but she was more excited to tell me about daddy getting in trouble.
Turns out, a fairy tale type movie isn't a good idea before bedtime. LK wasn't really scared, she just kept waking up asking questions about it. She is SOOOO stinking smart. Concepts that other kids wouldn't even catch on to, she totally processes and wants to get to the very bottom of it. I don't know if I should be thankful or terrified....
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Count your many blessings, name them one by one

Just realized this didn't get posted on Thanksgiving...
Count your many blessings, see what the Lords hath done. This is the chorus from one of my very favorite hymns. And, it always seems to be stuck in my head this time of year. But, I don't know how often I set down to actually count my blessings and name them one by one.
1)I am thankful for Amazing Grace, for the birth of Baby Jesus, his Father's compassion for me, his death on a cross, and Salvation through that grace.
2)I am thankful for the best Mom in the world. She taught me how to be a wife, how to love my husband, that it was important to take time for your marriage, and then how to be a great mom. Loving my husband is the greatest gift I can give my children.
3)I am thankful for growing up in a small town and experiencing family traditions.
4)I am thankful that God didn't give me what I was looking for in a husband. That he had a plan perfect for me. I am thankful for Jeff as the spiritual leader of our family and that he loves Christ more than he loves me.
5)I am thankful for 2 healthy children who love Jesus.

6)I am thankful for an amazing Mother-in-Law. She has often times been the secret to my sanity. I am especially thankful that she has a servant's heart and she does my ironing. I am thankful for the example she sets for loving her family and her community.

7)I am thankful that my Dad and step-Mom have taken an active roll in my children's lives.
8)I am thankful that God had a plan in where we bought this house and chose to raise our family. My neighbors are amazing. I am thankful for the kind of neighbors that you can walk into thier house and ask if your clothes match- and they tell you the truth, thankful that you can walk into their house and borrow stuff-whether they are home or not, thankful that someone has the ingredient that you realized you forgot in the middle of dinner, thankful that someone will watch your kids when you have an emergency right now, thankful that noone will be at my house uninvited without someone asking what they are doing there, thankful that they just take care of things-even when you forget to ask them to, thankful that I get to share life with these sweet neighbors.
9)I am thankful for a church family.
10)I am thankful that my babies love to rock and cuddle.
11)I am thankful that I can stay at home and raise my babies while earning a living at the same time.
12)I am thankful that God has provided immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine this year.
13)I am thankful for friends that probably understand me more than I understand myself.
14)I am thankful for an amazing baby sitter that loves my kids and fold my laundry.
15)I am thankful for The Little School Mother's Day out program, especially the teachers that love my kids so much and have left a lasting impression on them.
There are so many more things that I could name and count, but one of my great blessings is calling my name...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Food time

I love making food, any kind of food. I especially love making cakes for kids I love, and love having people over my house to eat.

Yesterday, I got to do both. I made cupcakes for the kids to take to school, made a birthday cake for my next door neighbor, and had 30 youth from our church over for Thanksgiving Progressive Dinner. Loved it. I will admit, I do not love cleaning up any of it.

Monday, November 22, 2010
What a difference a day full of randomness can make
As my last couple of post pointed out, I have struggled with knowing what I should be doing with my life and being truly thankful for our current set of circumstances. Well, today was a great day for snapping my head around and shedding some light on both. And, it was a very random day.
It all started yesterday afternoon as I was baking cupcakes and a neighbor called to say that hadn't been able to find her little boy for over half an hour. Obviously, I went running out of my door forgetting about what was going on in my kitchen, not even thinking about whether or not I was appropriately dressed. I had just promised my neighbor and one of my best friends that WE WOULD FIND THAT CHILD! In less than 5 minutes of knocking on doors several neighbors were out searching and that sweet child was back in his momma's arms. It wouldn't have mattered if it was 2pm or 2am, my neighbors are AMAZING! We are a true community. I have to truly believe that when we started looking for houses 6 years ago, God alone put a special tug in my heart for this neighborhood. It wasn't the exact house I wanted, it was way more money than we planned to spend, and for heaven's sakes there is no community pool. But, what we have is so much more. The neighbors in our cul-de-sac are truly my very best friends. We would drop anything for each other. And, the other neighbors of all ages truly care about each other. Not everybody can say they have more than a house on a collection of streets. What we have here is something very special, and for that I am VERY grateful.
This morning I started our day by taking the kids to deliver a Thanksgiving gift to one of my clients. I am very thankful for these particular clients because of the ministry I feel I was able to serve, and that they boosted my real estate business to my first million dollar month. (Not that I made a million dollars, I just sold that much in property.) I may not have 20 listings going at one time, but I can truly see that God places each of my clients in my life for a very specific reason, at a very specific time. I will be more honest than my husband would like for me to be at this point. The week before I got a contract on the above mentioned house, we met with a banckruptcy attorney. He told us to quit paying our bills and call it game played hard. We planned to bankrupt Jeff's construction business and personally file for bankruptcy. I got the contract, it was a quick close, we have yet to miss a single bill payment, and Jeff's company is still open- busier than he has been in some time. God KNOWS our every need. Sometimes He just waits to see if we are going to trust Him. Granted, I wish He wouldn't wait so long sometimes, but He ALWAYS delivers. I was able to talk with the wife and encourage her this morning, that God is with her, will carry her, and fulfill her during this very difficult time in their life.
Afterwards we came home and had lunch with Jeff. To watch him love my kids is amazing! Yesterday, I really wasn't sure I even liked him. He did something really stupid, and I didn't have any desire to talk to him for at least a week- or until I wanted to spend some of his money. :) But, he manned up, asked for forgiveness, which I really wanted to hold off on giving.... But, just to watch him with the kids melts my heart everytime. I am thankful for a husband that is an amazing father.
It is the end of November, but it was over 70 degrees outside today. I was able to play in the street with my children and 10 other (all under the age of 6) kids after lunch. What a blessing to have the time to play with my kids. And, to spend time with my best friends. All while the most of the world is working. I know there are millions of moms who wish they didn't have to work and could spend these days in the street with kiddos. And, on top of that wish they lived in a neighborhood where it was safe to let your kids play in the middle of the street. I am truly grateful for a career that allows me to also raise my children.
This afternoon I went to give blood. Today marked my 1 gallon blood donation. Not really a big deal to most people. But trust me, if you had ever sat and watched someone you love literally be saved my the multiple pints of blood they had recieved, you would give blood too. I am thankful for having O- blood, and knowing today that I saved at least 6 lives by giving just 30 minutes of my time, and a pint of fluid.
After giving blood I went to meet another client. We walked into the house he bought and has just rented out. He stopped me in the hallway, grabbed my shoulders, and looked me right in the face. He said Misty, I can't tell you how pleased I am with how this all worked out. Thank you for the job you did. I am extremely happy and excited. Seriously, this was my easiest customer EVER! He found the house himself, made an offer sight unseen, we went to see the house after the fact, and he was a dream to work with. And, might I mention this deal came through when I had no other leads going, and we once again needed some cash quick and in a hurry. In less than 3 weeks, I had made enough money to pay our bills for over 3 months.
My next stop was my preacher's house. Once again, just delivering a Thanksgiving present as a way to show my appreciation for their business. This is thier retirement home, the chances of them ever being a customer of mine again are very slim. But, the joy of serving my minister is great. And, they were so expressive of their thankfulness of the job I did for them. I don't care what profession you are in, everyone enjoys hearing that you have done a great job.
I got to come home to the 2 cutest kids in town. I could hear them chanting mommy as I was walking onto the back porch. They were fighting over who was going to hug me first and the longest. You have to be dead for that not to make your heart happy. And, I am thankful that tonight those 2 kiddos had cupcakes and sugar cookies for dinner. And, guess what- they are going to be okay. Tomorrow, we will have a well balanced diet, but today we had fun.
I finished my day working on a train birthday cake for my neighbor. I am thankful for the talent God has given me in creating yummy and beautiful food and fun party ideas. I think it is going to be a memory that lasts my kids and others a life time. If He could just heal the arthritis in my hands, we would really be in business.
So, now it is time to go to bed. Tonight, I am most thankful for all the things God used to day to remind me that I am blessed and helped my heart feel very thankful. And, thank Him for clarifying that my number one priority is being a AWESOME mommy. But, on the side he has provided a successful real estate career to support our family.
It all started yesterday afternoon as I was baking cupcakes and a neighbor called to say that hadn't been able to find her little boy for over half an hour. Obviously, I went running out of my door forgetting about what was going on in my kitchen, not even thinking about whether or not I was appropriately dressed. I had just promised my neighbor and one of my best friends that WE WOULD FIND THAT CHILD! In less than 5 minutes of knocking on doors several neighbors were out searching and that sweet child was back in his momma's arms. It wouldn't have mattered if it was 2pm or 2am, my neighbors are AMAZING! We are a true community. I have to truly believe that when we started looking for houses 6 years ago, God alone put a special tug in my heart for this neighborhood. It wasn't the exact house I wanted, it was way more money than we planned to spend, and for heaven's sakes there is no community pool. But, what we have is so much more. The neighbors in our cul-de-sac are truly my very best friends. We would drop anything for each other. And, the other neighbors of all ages truly care about each other. Not everybody can say they have more than a house on a collection of streets. What we have here is something very special, and for that I am VERY grateful.
This morning I started our day by taking the kids to deliver a Thanksgiving gift to one of my clients. I am very thankful for these particular clients because of the ministry I feel I was able to serve, and that they boosted my real estate business to my first million dollar month. (Not that I made a million dollars, I just sold that much in property.) I may not have 20 listings going at one time, but I can truly see that God places each of my clients in my life for a very specific reason, at a very specific time. I will be more honest than my husband would like for me to be at this point. The week before I got a contract on the above mentioned house, we met with a banckruptcy attorney. He told us to quit paying our bills and call it game played hard. We planned to bankrupt Jeff's construction business and personally file for bankruptcy. I got the contract, it was a quick close, we have yet to miss a single bill payment, and Jeff's company is still open- busier than he has been in some time. God KNOWS our every need. Sometimes He just waits to see if we are going to trust Him. Granted, I wish He wouldn't wait so long sometimes, but He ALWAYS delivers. I was able to talk with the wife and encourage her this morning, that God is with her, will carry her, and fulfill her during this very difficult time in their life.
Afterwards we came home and had lunch with Jeff. To watch him love my kids is amazing! Yesterday, I really wasn't sure I even liked him. He did something really stupid, and I didn't have any desire to talk to him for at least a week- or until I wanted to spend some of his money. :) But, he manned up, asked for forgiveness, which I really wanted to hold off on giving.... But, just to watch him with the kids melts my heart everytime. I am thankful for a husband that is an amazing father.
It is the end of November, but it was over 70 degrees outside today. I was able to play in the street with my children and 10 other (all under the age of 6) kids after lunch. What a blessing to have the time to play with my kids. And, to spend time with my best friends. All while the most of the world is working. I know there are millions of moms who wish they didn't have to work and could spend these days in the street with kiddos. And, on top of that wish they lived in a neighborhood where it was safe to let your kids play in the middle of the street. I am truly grateful for a career that allows me to also raise my children.
This afternoon I went to give blood. Today marked my 1 gallon blood donation. Not really a big deal to most people. But trust me, if you had ever sat and watched someone you love literally be saved my the multiple pints of blood they had recieved, you would give blood too. I am thankful for having O- blood, and knowing today that I saved at least 6 lives by giving just 30 minutes of my time, and a pint of fluid.
After giving blood I went to meet another client. We walked into the house he bought and has just rented out. He stopped me in the hallway, grabbed my shoulders, and looked me right in the face. He said Misty, I can't tell you how pleased I am with how this all worked out. Thank you for the job you did. I am extremely happy and excited. Seriously, this was my easiest customer EVER! He found the house himself, made an offer sight unseen, we went to see the house after the fact, and he was a dream to work with. And, might I mention this deal came through when I had no other leads going, and we once again needed some cash quick and in a hurry. In less than 3 weeks, I had made enough money to pay our bills for over 3 months.
My next stop was my preacher's house. Once again, just delivering a Thanksgiving present as a way to show my appreciation for their business. This is thier retirement home, the chances of them ever being a customer of mine again are very slim. But, the joy of serving my minister is great. And, they were so expressive of their thankfulness of the job I did for them. I don't care what profession you are in, everyone enjoys hearing that you have done a great job.
I got to come home to the 2 cutest kids in town. I could hear them chanting mommy as I was walking onto the back porch. They were fighting over who was going to hug me first and the longest. You have to be dead for that not to make your heart happy. And, I am thankful that tonight those 2 kiddos had cupcakes and sugar cookies for dinner. And, guess what- they are going to be okay. Tomorrow, we will have a well balanced diet, but today we had fun.
I finished my day working on a train birthday cake for my neighbor. I am thankful for the talent God has given me in creating yummy and beautiful food and fun party ideas. I think it is going to be a memory that lasts my kids and others a life time. If He could just heal the arthritis in my hands, we would really be in business.
So, now it is time to go to bed. Tonight, I am most thankful for all the things God used to day to remind me that I am blessed and helped my heart feel very thankful. And, thank Him for clarifying that my number one priority is being a AWESOME mommy. But, on the side he has provided a successful real estate career to support our family.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I wish my heart could feel what my head knows
I usually try very hard to focus several weeks around reminding my family HOW MUCH we have to be thankful for. I know in my head that we are exceptionally blessed, and if you asked me I could name no less than 50 things we should be thankful for right off the top of my head. But, for the better part of this year, I just haven't been feeling it. I know it, I just don't feel it.
I realize most of you who know our life circumstances are probably wondering if I could possibly be any more ungrateful. I honestly ask myself the same thing on a regular basis. I have been blessed with great health; two healthy, happy, beautiful children; I have a wonderful husband who loves me and is committed to our family. I am blessed to live in a nice house in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. But, this year has been physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually HARD- and I am not sure that I am thankful for that. Yes, I am thankful for all the many ways God has provided in times we just didn't think was possible. But, I am worn out from it. And, I think if I were truly thankful, I would be willing to go through it all again. Well, let's just say I had rather not.
This morning I did receive a humble reminder of how much "worse" things could be. I was on facebook and was reminded of a friend who lost her husband a few months ago. She is now a widowed stay at home mom, without her best friend, without her financial supporter, and she is some day going to have to explain to her sweet child how a good God could let this happen to them. Another friend was talking about being away from her family while she is having radiation done to treat her thyroid cancer; that same friend has a daughter who has been fighting a serious battle with leukemia over the past 18 months. Yet another friend lost their infant son this year. All of these friends are still thankful and praising God for blessings in their life. Really? Or, are they like me and KNOW they should be thankful and just keep saying it to hope their heart will some day believe it.
So, no I am not at all ungrateful. I KNOW I am very blessed. But, I also know my God created me, and he knows my personality. He knows I am not good with situations that I CANNOT CONTROL. So, for whatever lesson He is trying to teach us through this trial, I really wish we could move it on along. But for now, I will go on knowing I am thankful, praising God for the many blessings in my life, and continue to expect my heart to pick up on it all and once again FEEL truly thankful.
I realize most of you who know our life circumstances are probably wondering if I could possibly be any more ungrateful. I honestly ask myself the same thing on a regular basis. I have been blessed with great health; two healthy, happy, beautiful children; I have a wonderful husband who loves me and is committed to our family. I am blessed to live in a nice house in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. But, this year has been physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually HARD- and I am not sure that I am thankful for that. Yes, I am thankful for all the many ways God has provided in times we just didn't think was possible. But, I am worn out from it. And, I think if I were truly thankful, I would be willing to go through it all again. Well, let's just say I had rather not.
This morning I did receive a humble reminder of how much "worse" things could be. I was on facebook and was reminded of a friend who lost her husband a few months ago. She is now a widowed stay at home mom, without her best friend, without her financial supporter, and she is some day going to have to explain to her sweet child how a good God could let this happen to them. Another friend was talking about being away from her family while she is having radiation done to treat her thyroid cancer; that same friend has a daughter who has been fighting a serious battle with leukemia over the past 18 months. Yet another friend lost their infant son this year. All of these friends are still thankful and praising God for blessings in their life. Really? Or, are they like me and KNOW they should be thankful and just keep saying it to hope their heart will some day believe it.
So, no I am not at all ungrateful. I KNOW I am very blessed. But, I also know my God created me, and he knows my personality. He knows I am not good with situations that I CANNOT CONTROL. So, for whatever lesson He is trying to teach us through this trial, I really wish we could move it on along. But for now, I will go on knowing I am thankful, praising God for the many blessings in my life, and continue to expect my heart to pick up on it all and once again FEEL truly thankful.
Friday, November 19, 2010
A few pictures of the kids
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Living in too many worlds
This isn't a new idea for me, and it isn't the first time I have had this revelation. As a matter, of fact, I can't keep up with how many times my mother told me this when I was in high school & college and how many times Jeff has told me this since we have been married. I TRY TO DO TOO MANY THINGS, and I EXPECT myself to do them ALL PERFECTLY.
Today I came to the point of realizing I have got to find time to sit down and reprioritize my life, because I just live in too many worlds to accomplish anything PERFECTLY. For example, got up at 5:30 to fix lunches, get myself ready, play with the kids, and take the kids to school. Came to the home office- worked for Jeff's company for awhile, did some realesate work, worked on Christmas presents. Went to pick the kids up from school and had to run errands. Came home, played with the kids, cooked dinner, then went grocery shopping for the following events I will make food for, cater or entertain at my house in the NEXT 4 DAYS: company coming for dinner tomorrow night, international missions banquet at church Sunday night, making a birthday cake for a friend Tuesday (also serve as the trial run for Sam's cake), kids Thanksgiving feast at school Tuesday, and hosting the Youth Progressive dinner at my house Tuesday night. After I got home from shopping, I cleaned up the house, again; put the kids to bed, and started working on getting the rest of my stuff together for Sam's birthday party in 2 weeks.
So, what is it that I want to do perfectly: be a good wife, be a good mother, be a good employee, be a good business owner/realtor, be a good cook, be a good entertainer/hostess, be a good cake decorator, be a good party planner.... The sad thing is, I really enjoy doing ALL of it. But, the combination of having to do it all at the same time is about to drive me crazy. Not to mention that I have to finish a 30 hour brokers course and set for the state board exam to get my broker's licenses in the next 6 weeks.
I love my life, every element of it. But, I really need some clarity on which things I should focus on doing well. Jeff and I have really been convicted to start leading a couples Bible study again. But, the thought of that really wants me to jump over the edge, when in my day am I going to prepare for that?????
So, the moral of the story, is pray for me to be wise in choosing how I spend my time. May I remember above all else to serve the God who has blessed me richly, and take care of the family He has entrusted to me.
Today I came to the point of realizing I have got to find time to sit down and reprioritize my life, because I just live in too many worlds to accomplish anything PERFECTLY. For example, got up at 5:30 to fix lunches, get myself ready, play with the kids, and take the kids to school. Came to the home office- worked for Jeff's company for awhile, did some realesate work, worked on Christmas presents. Went to pick the kids up from school and had to run errands. Came home, played with the kids, cooked dinner, then went grocery shopping for the following events I will make food for, cater or entertain at my house in the NEXT 4 DAYS: company coming for dinner tomorrow night, international missions banquet at church Sunday night, making a birthday cake for a friend Tuesday (also serve as the trial run for Sam's cake), kids Thanksgiving feast at school Tuesday, and hosting the Youth Progressive dinner at my house Tuesday night. After I got home from shopping, I cleaned up the house, again; put the kids to bed, and started working on getting the rest of my stuff together for Sam's birthday party in 2 weeks.
So, what is it that I want to do perfectly: be a good wife, be a good mother, be a good employee, be a good business owner/realtor, be a good cook, be a good entertainer/hostess, be a good cake decorator, be a good party planner.... The sad thing is, I really enjoy doing ALL of it. But, the combination of having to do it all at the same time is about to drive me crazy. Not to mention that I have to finish a 30 hour brokers course and set for the state board exam to get my broker's licenses in the next 6 weeks.
I love my life, every element of it. But, I really need some clarity on which things I should focus on doing well. Jeff and I have really been convicted to start leading a couples Bible study again. But, the thought of that really wants me to jump over the edge, when in my day am I going to prepare for that?????
So, the moral of the story, is pray for me to be wise in choosing how I spend my time. May I remember above all else to serve the God who has blessed me richly, and take care of the family He has entrusted to me.
Why being a stay at home mom is the hardest job I have ever had
I just ordered my Christmas cards, and I put our blog address on them. So, I figured I had better get myself together and blog a little before people get those cards. So, in effort to jump start the process, I am borrowing a post I put on facebook.
I have a blog, but I don't have time to update it. As I was tripping over toys in the flloor, running my tongue over my nasty teeth that I haven't had time to brush since 5am yesterday, I got a wiff of my dirty self that hasn't showered since 6am yesterday. Then it hits me.... I decided I was going to take this new full time job of being a stay at home mom because it was going to be so much easier than holding down a regular full time job. Well, let me just tell you if you are considering it-- being a stay at home mom is the HARDEST JOB I HAVE EVER HAD.
So what is a typical day like in the life of a stay-at-home mom.... woken up at 1:30am by the nasty breath of a 4 year old who has been snoring, now hovering over my face to tell me that she has to go pee and there is no toilet paper in her bathroom. Instead of just using my bathroom she insists that I get out of bed and put toilet paper in her bathroom. Now that she is finished, she thinks she heard elves in her closet and she is too afraid to go back to her bed to sleep. It is 1:45am and I don't really care where we sleep, as long as I get to go back to sleep. So, off we go to my bed. Again, I am awakened by said 4 year old. This time, it is because her rear end is on top of my head. I move her, and she proceeds to tell me that I am taking up too much of her space.... yeah, we are in MY KING SIZE BED!!!!
5:35am human alarm clock Sam goes off.... MOOOMMMMAAAA!!! Haaa Miiiiillll (Hot milk). I stumble to his room, taking his prized hot milk. And change his diaper. As we are leaving his room, I attempt to stop in the kitchen and start my coffee. He says, "No, mommy rocky Sam now!" Sure, since my superiors tend to be little people I will just put everything on hold, go rock.... Trying to catch a couple of minutes of the news, orders are barked out again to turn on Hot Dog, Hot Dog... AKA Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I manage to get my coffee going and hear a shout from upstairs, my oldest child, my husband, is wanting to know if I am cooking breakfast since I am already up. And, by the way, it would be helpful if I could fix his lunch today. Sure.... no problem. But, if I don't get some coffee in this cup it is going to be a bad day for everybody!
It is now 7:15 and Sam has suddenly decided he will not be wearing a diaper. Awesome! Please do not pee or poop all over my floor. In addition to being a stay at home mom, I also do the books for Jeff's construction company and own my own real estate company. So, I try to come upstairs to our office and get a few things done while the kids are watching tv and playing with toys.
I come down about 7:45 to discover that the house I spent 2.5 hours cleaning yesterday has been completely trashed. It is amazing how fast a 2 year old and 4 year old can empty every toy in the house. Not to mention the roughly 175 books that were in Sam's book case that are now scattered all over the floor. Yes, EVERY SINGLE BOOK is off the shelf and in the floor.
I set down to eat a bowl of cereal, because unlike everyone else in the house, I have not had breakfast. Eating my cereal, Sam comes by to wipe his GREEN snotty nose all over my pants leg. Then, LK decides she would like a bowl of cereal. So, I get up and fix her cereal, then set back down to finish my cereal that Sam now has his hands in my bowl. You know, I don't even care, I just eat it anyway. After I finish my bowl and put it up. LK informs me that she is going to finish her ceral and "Have a big fat tummy, just like mine." Great, thanks for the reminder that I am no longer the 115 pound hotty I was at age 21.
So, it is now roughly 9am. No shower, no teeth brushing, all of us still in our pjs. I go upstairs to put paper in the fax machine that is going crazy because it is out of paper. Only to realize we are out of printer paper. Good thing I took the time to do an office supply order yesterday... paper will be delivered by UPS sometime today.
I decide I will make the beds, because at least one part of my house needs to appear that I have tried to clean up. I also realize I MUST take my Dyson apart and clean the filters, because all that crud in the floor no longer gets sucked up. I thought they said the Dyson never loses suction--- Bologna! So, I am rinising out the vacuum and nasty murky water is shooting everywhere. Don't I have a husband to take care of this kind of thing? Oh, I forgot.... the economy sucks right now and he is working 2 full time jobs to make sure he can keep all of his construction guys employed and still pay our bills.
Kids are fighting and crying. I just pretend I don't hear it. That is until Sam screams like his head had been chopped off. No, not disconnected, just a huge pump knot and LK confesses that she slammed it into the coffee table b/c he took her blanket away. Oh well, he will sucker punch her shortly to pay her back... Now we are playing tents. Which means EVERY blanket in my house is now in the middle of my living room, draped over couches, chairs, coffee tables and anything us that can serve as a tripod. Then, Jeff calls to inform me that his cousins who haven't been to my house in roughly 3 years will be spending most of the day with us tomorrow. I glance around the house, great news!!! And, I am sure I was supposed to be fixing a meal as well.
Tent game is boring, time to build a castle. Four year old dumps the 30 gallon rubbermaid tote of those stupid cardboard blocks that I thought were a good idea a couple Christmases ago. LK is trying to build a castle, and the wrecking crew comes through. A fight breaks out.... and then. The kid who has refused to wear a diaper shouts, "PEEE PEEE time." Running over hurdles, I grab him just in time to perfectly position him to pee all over his sister. Yeah, she probably shouldn't have slammed his head into the table. Because, i am pretty sure he thought peeing on her was the greatest accomplishment ever.
10:30am and I have got to get out of this house. So, we go to the post office to see if any of our customers decided today would be a good day to pay us. Out the door, still in my pjs, no shower, no teeth brushed. I really didn't care until I am standing in the middle of the post office and realize I forgot to even put on a bra. Oh well, at least I have on shoes. Or, actually, I still have on my house shoes. Then I start to wonder exactly what these people starring at me are thinking. Not that I care, I just wonder.
Next stop, McDonalds drive thru, because the mess of fixing lunch is more than I can tolerate this moment. Only to pull up to the window and realize that someone has been playing hide and seek with my wallet and it isn't in my purse. Awesome!!! Two kids expecting burgers, one Hispanic lady expecting $6.60, one momma with $2.35 in change..... Lexi Kate, Sam.... where is mommy's wallet? Back home, run in get the wallet, and back to McDonalds. We get home, kids start eating lunch, dog jumps up on the table and takes Sam's burger. Now, I have a screaming 2 year old, still refusing to wear a diaper, screaming hysterically that the dog has taken his lunch. I WILL NOT GO BACK TO MCDONALD'S FOR A THIRD TIME. So just deal with it and eat faster tomorrow.
So, it is now 11:30.... and I have not acccomplished ANY of my required job duties. I have 7 loads of laundry that need to be done, bills I need to pay, a birthday party to finish putting together, grocery list to make, coupons to cut, dishes to wash, dinner to cook, meal to plan for tomorrow, and a house that is an absolute disaster!
So, yes this is the hardest job I have ever had, but the pay is OUTSTANDING! I get to spend my entire day with 2 little people who think I am the greatest thing ever. They will be grown one day, and I will long for the days they spent driving me crazy. And, for those of you who really wish I would take a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth before going out in public.... I will try to do better tomorrow.
Update on that particular day: It gets better.... First of all, no today is not a bad day. It is actually a better day than most.
And, to add to my day. I finally get the kids down for a nap (or so I think) and decide to take a quick shower. Shortly into my shower Sam co...mes walking into my bathroom with poop running down his legs. Two things- yes, he is still in a crib. And, yes- I was smart enough to make him put his diaper & clothes on before he went down for his nap.
So, at this point I try to decide what has happened: 1) He took his clothes & diaper off before hand and has pooped all over his crib, and decided to crawl out once it was covered in poop 2)He pooped, didn't want to sleep in it, crawled out of his crib, and undressed somewhere between there and the shower, probably leaving a trail of poop all through the house. 3)He pooped, took his diaper off, then crawled out of his crib getting poop in his bed and all over the house.
Regardless of what has happened. My nice peaceful shower now has a poopy 2 year old in it. So much for my fifteen minutes of relaxation.
And, for those wondering where the diaper was-- best possible scenario, in my bed room floor. Shortest trail of poop possible. Thanks son.
I have a blog, but I don't have time to update it. As I was tripping over toys in the flloor, running my tongue over my nasty teeth that I haven't had time to brush since 5am yesterday, I got a wiff of my dirty self that hasn't showered since 6am yesterday. Then it hits me.... I decided I was going to take this new full time job of being a stay at home mom because it was going to be so much easier than holding down a regular full time job. Well, let me just tell you if you are considering it-- being a stay at home mom is the HARDEST JOB I HAVE EVER HAD.
So what is a typical day like in the life of a stay-at-home mom.... woken up at 1:30am by the nasty breath of a 4 year old who has been snoring, now hovering over my face to tell me that she has to go pee and there is no toilet paper in her bathroom. Instead of just using my bathroom she insists that I get out of bed and put toilet paper in her bathroom. Now that she is finished, she thinks she heard elves in her closet and she is too afraid to go back to her bed to sleep. It is 1:45am and I don't really care where we sleep, as long as I get to go back to sleep. So, off we go to my bed. Again, I am awakened by said 4 year old. This time, it is because her rear end is on top of my head. I move her, and she proceeds to tell me that I am taking up too much of her space.... yeah, we are in MY KING SIZE BED!!!!
5:35am human alarm clock Sam goes off.... MOOOMMMMAAAA!!! Haaa Miiiiillll (Hot milk). I stumble to his room, taking his prized hot milk. And change his diaper. As we are leaving his room, I attempt to stop in the kitchen and start my coffee. He says, "No, mommy rocky Sam now!" Sure, since my superiors tend to be little people I will just put everything on hold, go rock.... Trying to catch a couple of minutes of the news, orders are barked out again to turn on Hot Dog, Hot Dog... AKA Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I manage to get my coffee going and hear a shout from upstairs, my oldest child, my husband, is wanting to know if I am cooking breakfast since I am already up. And, by the way, it would be helpful if I could fix his lunch today. Sure.... no problem. But, if I don't get some coffee in this cup it is going to be a bad day for everybody!
It is now 7:15 and Sam has suddenly decided he will not be wearing a diaper. Awesome! Please do not pee or poop all over my floor. In addition to being a stay at home mom, I also do the books for Jeff's construction company and own my own real estate company. So, I try to come upstairs to our office and get a few things done while the kids are watching tv and playing with toys.
I come down about 7:45 to discover that the house I spent 2.5 hours cleaning yesterday has been completely trashed. It is amazing how fast a 2 year old and 4 year old can empty every toy in the house. Not to mention the roughly 175 books that were in Sam's book case that are now scattered all over the floor. Yes, EVERY SINGLE BOOK is off the shelf and in the floor.
I set down to eat a bowl of cereal, because unlike everyone else in the house, I have not had breakfast. Eating my cereal, Sam comes by to wipe his GREEN snotty nose all over my pants leg. Then, LK decides she would like a bowl of cereal. So, I get up and fix her cereal, then set back down to finish my cereal that Sam now has his hands in my bowl. You know, I don't even care, I just eat it anyway. After I finish my bowl and put it up. LK informs me that she is going to finish her ceral and "Have a big fat tummy, just like mine." Great, thanks for the reminder that I am no longer the 115 pound hotty I was at age 21.
So, it is now roughly 9am. No shower, no teeth brushing, all of us still in our pjs. I go upstairs to put paper in the fax machine that is going crazy because it is out of paper. Only to realize we are out of printer paper. Good thing I took the time to do an office supply order yesterday... paper will be delivered by UPS sometime today.
I decide I will make the beds, because at least one part of my house needs to appear that I have tried to clean up. I also realize I MUST take my Dyson apart and clean the filters, because all that crud in the floor no longer gets sucked up. I thought they said the Dyson never loses suction--- Bologna! So, I am rinising out the vacuum and nasty murky water is shooting everywhere. Don't I have a husband to take care of this kind of thing? Oh, I forgot.... the economy sucks right now and he is working 2 full time jobs to make sure he can keep all of his construction guys employed and still pay our bills.
Kids are fighting and crying. I just pretend I don't hear it. That is until Sam screams like his head had been chopped off. No, not disconnected, just a huge pump knot and LK confesses that she slammed it into the coffee table b/c he took her blanket away. Oh well, he will sucker punch her shortly to pay her back... Now we are playing tents. Which means EVERY blanket in my house is now in the middle of my living room, draped over couches, chairs, coffee tables and anything us that can serve as a tripod. Then, Jeff calls to inform me that his cousins who haven't been to my house in roughly 3 years will be spending most of the day with us tomorrow. I glance around the house, great news!!! And, I am sure I was supposed to be fixing a meal as well.
Tent game is boring, time to build a castle. Four year old dumps the 30 gallon rubbermaid tote of those stupid cardboard blocks that I thought were a good idea a couple Christmases ago. LK is trying to build a castle, and the wrecking crew comes through. A fight breaks out.... and then. The kid who has refused to wear a diaper shouts, "PEEE PEEE time." Running over hurdles, I grab him just in time to perfectly position him to pee all over his sister. Yeah, she probably shouldn't have slammed his head into the table. Because, i am pretty sure he thought peeing on her was the greatest accomplishment ever.
10:30am and I have got to get out of this house. So, we go to the post office to see if any of our customers decided today would be a good day to pay us. Out the door, still in my pjs, no shower, no teeth brushed. I really didn't care until I am standing in the middle of the post office and realize I forgot to even put on a bra. Oh well, at least I have on shoes. Or, actually, I still have on my house shoes. Then I start to wonder exactly what these people starring at me are thinking. Not that I care, I just wonder.
Next stop, McDonalds drive thru, because the mess of fixing lunch is more than I can tolerate this moment. Only to pull up to the window and realize that someone has been playing hide and seek with my wallet and it isn't in my purse. Awesome!!! Two kids expecting burgers, one Hispanic lady expecting $6.60, one momma with $2.35 in change..... Lexi Kate, Sam.... where is mommy's wallet? Back home, run in get the wallet, and back to McDonalds. We get home, kids start eating lunch, dog jumps up on the table and takes Sam's burger. Now, I have a screaming 2 year old, still refusing to wear a diaper, screaming hysterically that the dog has taken his lunch. I WILL NOT GO BACK TO MCDONALD'S FOR A THIRD TIME. So just deal with it and eat faster tomorrow.
So, it is now 11:30.... and I have not acccomplished ANY of my required job duties. I have 7 loads of laundry that need to be done, bills I need to pay, a birthday party to finish putting together, grocery list to make, coupons to cut, dishes to wash, dinner to cook, meal to plan for tomorrow, and a house that is an absolute disaster!
So, yes this is the hardest job I have ever had, but the pay is OUTSTANDING! I get to spend my entire day with 2 little people who think I am the greatest thing ever. They will be grown one day, and I will long for the days they spent driving me crazy. And, for those of you who really wish I would take a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth before going out in public.... I will try to do better tomorrow.
Update on that particular day: It gets better.... First of all, no today is not a bad day. It is actually a better day than most.
And, to add to my day. I finally get the kids down for a nap (or so I think) and decide to take a quick shower. Shortly into my shower Sam co...mes walking into my bathroom with poop running down his legs. Two things- yes, he is still in a crib. And, yes- I was smart enough to make him put his diaper & clothes on before he went down for his nap.
So, at this point I try to decide what has happened: 1) He took his clothes & diaper off before hand and has pooped all over his crib, and decided to crawl out once it was covered in poop 2)He pooped, didn't want to sleep in it, crawled out of his crib, and undressed somewhere between there and the shower, probably leaving a trail of poop all through the house. 3)He pooped, took his diaper off, then crawled out of his crib getting poop in his bed and all over the house.
Regardless of what has happened. My nice peaceful shower now has a poopy 2 year old in it. So much for my fifteen minutes of relaxation.
And, for those wondering where the diaper was-- best possible scenario, in my bed room floor. Shortest trail of poop possible. Thanks son.
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