I really need to start updating every night before I go to bed, just so I can have a record of the craziness and funniness that goes on around here. Because, I know I have forgotten some really good stuff over the last 2 months.
Part of my problem is that I have started working another job. Well, not that I go to work, but trust me keeping a 4 month old in adittion to my 2 kids is work. During the day I don't have a spare moment to breathe, muchless update a blog.
We have had a wonderful Halloween and Thanksgiving since my last update. Sam has 2 more teeth, 3 more ear infections, and is standing alone, trying really hard to walk.
This weekend we decorated for Christmas, which is one of my favorite things to do. I would love to decorate for all the seasons and holidays, but that would be more than my family could bear. This is the 5 weeks out of the year that I risk setting around things that can break, setting the table with good tablecloths, placemats, and dishes- knowing it is all going to cause me to constantly chase children and yelling, "stop that". But, I just can't help myself. The one unfortunate decision I had to make this year- yes, my Christmas trees look ridiculous with baby fences around them. But, weighing that against a trip to the ER- gate wins.
I am including some random pictures, and hopefully from now on I will be better about updating more frequently and having pictures to go with stories. And, did I mention that Sam is 4 weeks away from his first birthday- CRAZY!
I LOVE the bare rear-end picture (hmmm let's see if we can match this up with the correct body...!!) and the fence around the tree! Well I guess it's better than the fence around the kids!