This has been one of those weeks where I have found myself wondering how the days can go by so slowly yet the years go by so fast? Earlier in the week I realized that not only was Sam already eight months old, in only 15 weeks he would be turning one. For some reason 15 weeks just doesn't seem like very long, and turning one is a big deal. I can remember when I had 15 weeks left in my pregnancy with Lexi Kate, not to mention how short a period of time it seems like it has been since I had 15 weeks left in my pregnancy with Sam. I just hate that life has gone by so fast.
It has been a crazy month around here. So many times it seems like I have meant to set down and blog, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Now, I don't remember half of the funny things I was going to share.
The highlight of my week was Lexi Kate deciding on her own free will to throw away her diapers. We have finally made the plunge into big girl world. One of the pictures in this post is of her and her friend Emma tossing all of her diapers in the trash. Hopefully she doesn't realize I went and dug them out. Sam will be using those before long.
Today was Lexi Kate's 3rd birthday party. For some reason I think these birthday parties are as important to me as they are to here. I just absolutely love planning out a great party with several friends and all our family to celebrate my children. Yes, there are days I would give her away in a heart beat, and even contemplate killing her. But, she is mine, and I am so proud that God blessed our lives with her. Birthdays are just a great day to focus on how much we love her. And, the fact that Lexi Kate gets so excited about her parties and thanks me over and over for making a beautiful cake, cooking wonderful food, decorating perfectly.... makes me want to do it all the more. At this moment 3 years ago I was sitting in this same chair reading about labor on the internet, watching Law and Order on tv. Had I known I would be going into labor in 2 hours, I would have been in bed. I haven't gotten to catch up on my sleep since....
Happy Birthday Precious Princess! You are a gift from God!
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