I just opened the blog to update, and realized it has almost been a month since I updated. GEEZZZZ. Sam will be 6 months old on Friday. The sad thing is several times over the last 3 weeks different things have come to mind that I wanted to post, and I just didn't get around to it. Now, I can't remember what they were.

I did want to post pictures from Sam's dedication. Sunday, June 7 was a special day for us. We got to share Sam's dedication to the Precious Lord who gave him to us in the first place. I am so thankful He has entrusted both of these kids to my care. It is a huge blessing. In addition to the dedication at church, we had 40 of our friends and family at the house for lunch. Yes, I cooked a real meal for that many people, and they all had a place to sit.

Sam has started trying to army crawl. He has only been successful on 2 occasions. Honestly, I am not ready for that, so I have quit laying him on his stomach. Sometimes he has somewhere he needs to go, so he tries to get there on his own. It is really pretty funny to watch.
LK is still madly in love with her brother. She wants to hold him all the time. She tries to pick him up pretty often now, so we are having to watch her. I hate that I feel like I am constantly telling her to stop or be careful. I know she has good intentions, but it isn't going to turn out so good one of these days.

Speaking of LK, she is becoming a potty training nightmare. She knows how to pee and poop in the potty. However, she may or may not choose to do it on any given day. She will tell me whether or not she is going to use the potty each day, most days it is a not day. I don't know what we are going to do when school starts back this fall. she can't go if she isn't potty trained. HELP!!!
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