Now, be warned.... if you have a weak stomach read no further....
Yesterday was Lexi Kate's best friends 2nd birhtday party. We have been playing with my family all weekend, as they were here to escape the horrible weather in KY. Around noon, Lexi Kate agreeably went down for her nap so she could get up and get ready for Aidan's birthday party. I should have known something was wrong when she didn't put up a fight to take a nap. However, I was giving her the benefit of a doubt that she was just so excited to go to the party she wanted to make sure she didn't sleep through it. She seemed perfectly normal when she got up from her nap, picked out her dress to wear and even asked me to pull her hair up in "ear dogs" so she could be super cute. We got to the party and she was playing in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse of 1000 balls with the other kids. They were so cute playing together, when I captured the image below through the lens of my camera.

I threw the camera and screamed, "Get them out she is throwing up!" It was so bad we had to cut her dress off of her. My instinct was just to keep as much puke as possible off the balls, so I folded her dress up for her to throw up in, creating a horrible bowl and ruining her adorable outfit. I can only pray that we didn't contaminate the other kids at the party. Welcome to life..........
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