Yesterday was one of those days that I just didn't feel good. No particular complaint, I was just tired and couldn't get it all together. So, after Physical Therapy I came home and did pretty much nothing while Lexi Kate was in school.
I went to school early to pick up Lexi Kate and talk to her teachers... come to find out Lexi Kate had to set in time out twice yesterday for pushing and hitting other kids in the face. GREAT! LK has been a rounder at home, but always an angel at school. Now, it seems she is acting out there as well. The teacher was surprised that she didn't seem bothered by sitting in timeout. Welcome to my world- punishment in general doesn't seem to bother Lexi Kate. We also found out yesterday that one of Lexi Kate's teachers is leaving. Makes me sad, just as she has gotten well adjusted there will be more change in her life.
I had neighborhood Bible Study last night, and Jeff stayed home with Lexi Kate. Her punishment for getting in trouble at school was she could only watch 1 tv program. I wondered what Jeff would do with her for 2 hours. As I was walking home I just prayed that she was already asleep, because I was just too tired to deal with anything else. I walk in to find one of the sweetest sites in the world.... the picture above. The DVD player was still on, which means we probably had more than 30 minutes of tv. But, I didn't really care; all my babies were fast asleep. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
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