I have been meaning/working on creating a family blog since Lexi Kate was born. And, now that Sam will be here in just a few weeks I figured it was time to make it happen. Hopefully this will be a quick and easy way for us to share pictures and family info with all those who are wondering what is going on.
So, for those of you we haven't caught up with in ages, here is the run down:
Lexi Kate turned 2 in August, and is full of life. She can be the most sweet, precious, loving little girl, or the most rotten stinker you have ever seen. From what I am told that is normal for a 2 year old little girl. We are high on drama right now... everything must match, and she must be the center of attention. She got her daddy's gift of gab. She loves to talk and be praised. Every time she completes a task she will say things like, "Mommy, don't you love it; Oh, how beautiful; or this is amazing." She loves going to Mother's Day Out twice a week, and goes on and on about her friends and teachers. Much to her daddy's dismay, she already has a first love. Aidan is one of our neighbors, and I am sure we will post many pictures of him here as well. Rarely does a day go by that we don't do something together. From what we can tell, Lexi Kate is very excited about being a big sister and asks daily when her baby brother will be here. We will see how she feels once that actually happens.
Jeff still owns his own contracting business (JPWoodford & Co---
http://www.jpwoodfordco.com/). Like most people in that business right now, times are tight. But, we keep claiming Jeremiah 29:11 and Phillipians 4:13: God has a plan and we can do all things in his strength. We feel blessed to still be in business, because there are many who aren't. And, each day it seems that God provides just enough to make it through another day. Jeff is an amazing daddy to Lexi Kate, and I know he will be to Sam as well. Jeff is play time and tackle down, which Lexi Kate loves. I love it because it wears her out at the end of the day. The also love to cuddle snuggle, but play time is definately daddy's speciality.
Misty is primarily a stay at home mom, but also owns a realestate company (JPW&C Realty--
http://www.jpwcrealty.com/). Right now it is pretty much a one man show, with a broker we have hired to represent us. I am working on my broker's license and at that point hope to add other agents. But, again the market is slow so business isn't booming for anyone right now. I also have a part-time office administration job that I do from home. My pregnancy this time around has been much easier than with Lexi Kate. Everything is different, but I haven't been nearly as sick which makes all things a little more bearable.
Malachi is still hobbling around on all fours. He is 8 years old now, and it is starting to show. He has his hyper moments, but for the most part just hangs out on the couch. Lexi Kate may very well be the death of him.....
Sam will be our newest addition. His actual due date is January 5, but we are expecting our sweet baby boy to arrive sometime between December 15-28.