Friday, January 7, 2011

Times change

I remember the day when I dropped Lexi Kate off at school and she cried, I mean bawled for hours. You would have thought they were killing her in there. Yesterday, I had to pick her up from school 5 minutes early so we could leave before traffic and take Sam to the doctor. She bawled! She even told me it was the very worst day of her life. Why? Because she wasn't ready to leave school. She wanted to spend the rest of her minutes with her friends and teachers. Wow, how times have changed!

Christmas around here was chaotic, but simple. The kids got way too much stuff, and have already broken some toys and forgotten about others. It really makes me sad how little the realize how blessed they are. I don't want to say they are ungrateful for what they have, because I am not sure they even know what that means. And, they both say thank you, and feel they truly mean it, for their presents. What makes me sad is that I want them to have all these fun things, and I have set a terrible example of what they should expect to get. My house is almost twice as big as the house I grew up in, and it is overflowing with stuff. We have got to get control of this before we have 2 grown spoiled kids that have a messed up reality of what to expect out of life.

Life around here is crazy again, I guess it is just the way my life is meant to be. In addition to working for Jeff, doing real estate, and taking back my consulting job, I have started another business with my friend. My new adventure is the kind of work that doesn't seem like work- creating fun things with a friend. But, it takes time. I have also started my final class for obtaining my broker's license. I had an unrealistic reality of how much time this class was going to take. I do most of my classes via home study, and can complete them in about half the time they say. Well, it looks like this one isn't going to be that way. I thought I could complete 2 units a week, in about 4 hours each week. I spent 5 hours last week, and only finished 1 unit. :(

So, if you don't hear from me much in the next few weeks, it is because I am a book worm again.