I really have great aspirations of keeping up with a blog. And, there are so many things I want to blog about, mainly so I don't forget them; but also to share some of the insanity that takes place at my house so that you know there is a slight justification for the fact that I am just about completely nuts by now.
Sam was 18 months old June 26. I cannot believe it! Time went by pretty quick with Lexi Kate, but I was able to cherish more of it and slow it down a bit because it was just me and her. It has flown by with Sam. There are 2 other kids and 4 part time jobs competing for my attention now, and I feel like it has just flown by. Sam's 18 month check up was pretty routine. He weighed 25.25lbs. and was 31.5"; which both are in the 40th percentile for his age. Everybody talks about how big he is, but really he is a little guy for his age. He has the most beautiful curly hair and long eyelashes. I secretly wished Lexi Kate would have that hair, but I guess God knew she had all the beauty that she could handle and gave the curls to Sam so he could be a lady killer. The only "major" concern at his checkup was his speech development. We discussed starting speech therapy, but decided to wait and see if he picks up more when school start. The main concern was him not putting 2 words together. Well, let's just say we have moved on from that. Two days after his checkup his shouted, "MEAN Mommy!" in response to me jerking dominoes out of his mouth before he choked to death. I am amazed at how much his speech has improved in 2 weeks. I guess he understand Dr. Carr saying he needed to get with it. His favorite phrase right now is "Free Ooh One Blast Off!" So, it isn't perfect, but I will take it. He now counts to 2, sometimes 3. I try to get over the fact that LK could say her entire ABC's and count to 10 at 18 months. But, Sam can throw & catch a ball, and use his utensils much better than she can, so I guess his fine motor skills make up for his verbal skills.
Lexi Kate had 2 days of dance camp this week, and she LOVED it. I hate that she missed the rest of the week due to Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease. Or, "tickle spots" as she called them. She had the worse case of her and Sam. I hate it, but I am really kind of thankful that hers was the bad one. I don't know if Sam could have dealt with the blisters in his mouth. I am pretty sure we will start LK in dance lessons this fall.
Jeff has officially started his second full time job. I have NO IDEA how we are going to make this work. I so admire him for doing EVERYTHING in his power to support our family. There are so many people out there that aren't willing to work 1 job and he has 2 FULL time jobs. I am helping run the company as much as I can while he is travelling with his other job. We are going to give this a go until December and re-evaluate the whole situation. Ideally I think he would like to pass on the daily operations of his company and just have his new job. But, there are alot of details to work out with that. I just hate that he feels such a heavy burden, but blessed to have a husband willing to bear it.