Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So blessed

Words cannot describe how our life has changed over the last few days. For some reason, the reality of it all didn't sink in until we were actually at home with Sam. I knew I was pregnant and was going to have another child to love, but just couldn't phatom what it would really be like.
Well, he is here, he is absolutely amazing, and we are sooooo tired. Several people had told me adding another child didn't double the work, it quadrupled it. That is so true. Lexi Kate is so precious, and she loves Sam to death. The problem is, she loves him too much. She keeps trying to pick him up, change his diaper, feed him, and kiss him from head to toe. As her nose is dripping down her face, she kisses him right on the mouth. All I can do is pray that she keeps loving him (once she realizes he isn't leaving), and pray that he doesn't get deathly ill from her cold.

Sam was born Friday, December 26, 10:23am at Baptist Hospital. He weighed 7lb 7.75oz and was 19.5 inches long. I ended up having a c-section, because he was on his way into the world backwards. As Jeff said, he got that one honest from his daddy. I am just glad I wasn't the one that had to point that out. The c-section wasn't so bad, but it is slightly annoying now. I am way to busy to be limited in activity for 6 weeks. But, compared to my last birthing experience, this may be a better deal.
We are all doing great, just very tired from 2 kids that can't seem to get on a sleep schedule. My mom is here through Sunday, and Jeff's mom will be here all next week.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

What a truly blessed Christmas it has been. Everyone has been talking about how bad the economy is, and how much we all have to cut back this year. I admit, I have not been happy about the fact that I wasn't able to buy everyone all the presents I thought they needed, and I wanted them to have this year. However, this morning when Lexi Kate woke up her first words reminded me what it was all about... "Merry Christmas Mommy, I love you. I am thankful for you. Let's go tell Baby Jesus Happy Birthday." And out of the mouth of babes.....

Lexi Kate had a great Christmas; it has been such a joy to watch her play with toys and more importantly loving on all her family. My biggest concern this year was that Sam coming would "spoil" her joy in Christmas. Well, we are all still home together, now anxiously awaiting Sam. Lexi Kate got to have her special Christmas moment. Then, she asked, "Mommy did Santa forget to drop Sam off?" Guess we over emphasized that she was getting a baby brother for Christmas. We just keep telling her he will be here in a little while.

And we can't wait....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing new today

We are in the same place today we were yesterday. We decided not to strip my membranes today.... Dr. Thomas didn't think I would go into labor before evening, which means we would be in the hospital through Christmas anyway. So, for now we are just going to wait and see if we can make it through Christmas, knowing little Sam will be here by Friday.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Things are happening....

I had another doctor's appointment today. He said things were moving in the baby direction. That is a very good thing, since we are (were) on the waiting list to be induced at Baptist. The short version for those of you who don't want to read details: he thinks we will have a baby in the next couple days, and we are now off the waiting list at Baptist. Induction is scheduled for 6:30am on Dec. 26.

The details for those of you who are like me and just want to know.... I am now 3cm dialated and 50% effaced, and in the -1 position. Basically, we have 7cm to stretch, 50% more of my cervix to thin out, and need to be at the -3 position to deliver. Because at the time of my appointment this morning Baptist didn't have any openings for scheduled inductions, Dr. Thomas stripped my membranes, hoping to speed up my natural labor. I am going back in the morning to have my membranes stripped again. The goal is to actually have the baby tomorrow so we are all home for Christmas. Baptist actually called about 5:00 saying they had openings on the 26th, and we are scheduled for induction at 6:30am. I will have to talk to Dr. Thomas to make sure he is okay with that, but as things go for now we should have a baby no later than Friday afternoon.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Exciting Day

Lexi Kate had her ear worked on again this morning. I can honestly say if I never walk into another ENT office, it will be 20 years too soon. Dr. Crook is great, but watching nurses hold your screaming baby down while a doctor works on her ear with something making a sound of a heavy duty vacuum is something no mother should ever do, especially if you are 9 months pregnant. The good news is, we think everything is repaired and the infection is gone.....

The other excitement of the night was my neighbor having her baby at home. Her baby is past due, and we all know I am ready to have mine. We have been joking with each other about techniques to make the boys get here. So, about 8:30 I heard their car crank. She hadn't had any signs of labor, so I thought they were going out. I jokingly sent them a text message saying if they wanted to have a baby they better start working on it. Several text messages back and forth I finally realized they weren't joking, and were really having the baby at home. I went running across the yard in my bare feet- thankfully it was warmer today. I got to hold baby Hudson while Rory helped Shelley. An unbelievable experience to say the least.... You go girl. I am so impressed that she wasn't cussing, crying, or just totally flipping out. I am pretty sure if I had just delivered my own baby at my own house I would be doing all of the above.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas program

Lexi Kate's Christmas Program at Little School was yesterday. Her class was singing "Jingle Bells" and "Clap your Hands for Santa Clause". This is Lexi Kate practicing before we went to school.
This is Lexi Kate singing with her class. She is in the bottom row, 2nd from the right. The pictures didn't turn out very good. We could have gone down front to watch, but with Lexi Kate in the 1st row, I was afraid she would come off the stage to be with us.

Lexi Kate and Aidan did thier Christmas exchange today. We had lunch and made cookies afterwards.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Surgery Follow Up

The pictures have absolutely nothing to do with the post, but I thought they were too cute not share. The first one is of Lexi Kate being just like Daddy.

We had our follow up appointment with Dr. Crook this morning to see if Lexi Kate's ears had healed after having her surgery on the 1st.... Of course not, that would have made my life too easy. I knew something wasn't going well with her left ear, becasue it still has blood coming out of it. I even called the nurse, who said it was okay. Today when he looked at it, it is still infected and has bleeding behind the drum. Wonderful! So, we have another week of antibiotics and drops, and go back to the doctor next Friday morning. If it hasn't cleared up by then, he will have to go back in and clean off the tube and repair the ear drum. So I guess at this point we are actually praying that I don't go into labor this week. I need to be able to take care of Lexi Kate next Friday....

The wierd thing is, she acts like she feels fine. I guess I should be glad that she isn't in pain. After we got home, she begged Daddy to play in the snow with her. She built her first Frosty. She couldn't quiet understand while it wasn't working like in the movie...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Good week

Lexi Kate seems pretty well recovered from her surgery on Monday. Her left ear is still bleeding a little, but it doesn't seem to bother her much. She is spending the night with BeBe and Pawpaw tonight so Jeff and I can have a last date night for the next couple months. How are we spending our big day-- I took a nap and now we are watching the SEC championship game. I promise we are going out for a big dinner later, but sleep and tv time are almost just as precious these days as a night out on the town.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Surgery update

Lexi Kate had her tubes put in today, and her adenoids taken out. We were at Baptist hospital dark and early this morning in our PJ's. They took us back about 7:30 to get started, and rolled Lexi Kate back to surgery around 8:15. We were so blessed to have a friend of ours as her nurse to keep us informed with what was going on. We met with Dr. Crook after the surgery and he said everything was a success. Lexi Kate woke up from anesthesia around 9:15. She reacts much the same way I do... crying for no reason. We finally convinced the recovery nurse that she wasn't in any pain, and to take the IV out. Once we got the IV out, Lexi Kate was much happier. She was still crying as we left, but getting better. She did get sick on the way home, but has recovered well this afternoon. She took a 2 hour nap about 3:00. Around 5:45, she was officially back to her old self. She was jumping on the bed while I was trying to fold laundry and dumping all her toys out on the floor. LK has eaten well today considering she had her throat operated on. She had 2 popsicles and 2 pieces of bread for lunch (I know not the most nutrious meal ever, but I figured if she would eat it I didn't really care.); we had fruit snacks and graham crackers for afternoon snack; and hamburger and fries for dinner. We do have to do another round of amoxicillin because she still had an ear infection when we went in today. We just hope we can get through the next 10 days of forcing drugs down.... our ENT follow up is December 12.